• Latest news:  AWARDS
    3 awards for best oral, rapid fire and poster by young presenters
    Click here for more details
  • Over 600 participants are expected in Toulouse!
    Pre-courses, Welcome Reception & City Tour are now fully booked

    We look forward to seeing you there!
  • The full conference programme is available
    Click here to consult it

    Visual Elements for speaker supports
  • ESA-ISA 2024 / Joint Meeting of the European and International Strabismological Associations

    Traduction simultanée Anglais-Français incluse dans l’inscription

  • Dear friends and colleagues,

    It is my great pleasure to invite you to attend the 43rd Annual Congress of the European Strabismological Association to be held in Toulouse, France from 12th - 15th June 2024. Like 2023 in Zagreb, we will meet again in June – ideal to explore Toulouse before and after the conference. We will be holding our meeting in the modern Pierre Baudis Conference Centre, which has excellent facilities, but there will also be events in the historic parts of Toulouse and opportunities to discover the city.

    The Scientific Programme will be organised jointly with ISA as we did very successfully for our joint Paris-Online Meeting, and we expect a first-class scientific programme covering all aspects of strabismus with speakers from across the world. We will be including our usual favourite sessions such as our Round Table, Orthoptic Symposium, Early Morning Surgery Course and our ever popular “A Case I have learnt from…”. Our traditional pre-meeting workshops on Orthoptic Education and the Strabismus workshop “What you always wanted to ask about strabismus ..." are now a regular part of the programme. The strabismus workshop invites especially beginners in the field and people who start to come to ESA meetings. But last and by no means least, we invite you to submit abstracts of your own work. Presenting and discussing your research as talk or poster will form a major part of the programme.

    Transport links to Toulouse are excellent, both by air and train – or even Canal du Midi. There is a good range of hotels from which to choose accommodation.

    As new ESA President it is my great pleasure to meet you at the congress – finally onsite in France after the Paris meeting had to be online.

    Oliver Ehrt
    European Strabismological Association
    Dear colleagues and friends,

    It is a great pleasure and a great honor for our Toulouse team to welcome you in the beautiful city of Toulouse for this joint ESA and ISA congress.
    I am personally very moved by the confidence placed in me by the ESA board to organize this prestigious congress in my hometown.

    Like all ESA and ISA congresses, it will be a meeting of the highest scientific level, but we will do everything to ensure that it is also a convivial occasion not to be missed.

    Toulouse is above all known as a world capital of aeronautics and aerospace. But our historic city and its region have much more to discover, as you will see on the congress website. We hope you’ll take extra time to enjoy. French Southwest should be able to satisfy all your tastes. The season will be ideal, and the city is particularly lively in june.

    See you soon in Toulouse,
    Dr Thouvenin
    Local  organizer of ESA/ISA 2024


    Chers collègues et amis,

    C’est un grand plaisir et un grand honneur pour notre équipe toulousaine de vous accueillir dans la belle ville de Toulouse pour ce congrès commun de l’ESA et de l’ISA.
    Je suis personnellement très ému de la confiance qui m’est accordée par le bureau de l’ESA d’organiser ce congrès prestigieux dans ma ville.

    Comme tous les congrès de l’ESA et de l’ISA, ce sera une réunion du plus haut niveau scientifique mais nous ferons tout pour que ce soit aussi une occasion conviviale à ne pas manquer.

    Toulouse est avant tout connue comme une capitale mondiale de l’aéronautique et de l’aérospatiale. Mais la ville et sa région ont beaucoup plus à faire découvrir comme vous le verrez sur le site du congrès. La saison sera idéale, et la ville est particulièrement animée au mois de juin.

    La langue officielle du congrès est l’anglais, mais nous proposerons une traduction simultanée des conférences de l’anglais au français pour encourager les ophtalmologistes et orthoptistes français à participer à cet événement scientifique exceptionnel.
    A très bientôt à Toulouse,

    Dr Thouvenin
    Organisateur local du congrès ESA/ISA 2024
    Dear colleagues,

    It is with great pleasure, that I welcome you to the first “in person” ESA/ISA joint meeting to be held in the wonderful city of Toulouse, France.

    In order to have ISA meetings every 2 years instead of 4, in 2018 a proposal to have joint meetings with ESA every 4 years was sent to the ESA Council. This was accepted and the first joint meeting was planned to be held in Paris in 2020. Due to the Pandemic this meeting finally took place virtually.

    We are very happy that this first joint meeting will finally be held in person in Toulouse, France  June 12th to 15th, 2024.

    We expect many attendees from all over the world which will expose attendants with a very wide and diverse scientific knowledge. This event promises to be a great opportunity for all practitioners in the field of strabismus and binocular vision to come together and share knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore the latest developments in these areas.

    Together with the local organizers we are already planning a high-standard scientific program that we know you will enjoy and profit from.

    I am very confident that this joint ESA/ISA meeting will not only provide an excellent platform for participants to engage in lively discussions and debates but also will help establish enduring ties of friendship. We sincerely hope that your attendance at the ESA/ISA meeting in Toulouse will be filled with great memories.

    Andrea Molinari, M.D.
    ISA President

  • Important Dates





    First Announcement



    Opening Abstract Submission



    Deadline Abstract submission



    Opening Registrations



    Notification of acceptance

    15 22


    End of the earlybird registration



    Final programme publication



    Conference in Toulouse

  • General Organisation
    26 av Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin
    Tel : +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Information desk
    monday to friday from 9am to 12am & 2pm to 5pm
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

    According to France's Personal Data Privacy Act in effect since June 2004, you may send a request in writing to INSIGHT OUTSIDE 26 Avenue Jean Kuntzmann, 38330 - Montbonnot Saint Martin / France, or by email webmaster@insight-outside.fr to access your file in order to consult, modify and/or delete your personal information.

    © 2005 - 2024 Insight Outside

    Organisation congrès scientifique Toulouse